Barack, Joe and Sarah bails out How do u integrate success in a small business not Mervyn's

Barack, Joe and Sarah bails out "How do u integrate success in a small business" not Mervyn's
- that will be the day that I will believe that definitely there is going to be a "change" in America.
What a weekend seeing the historical 39 years history of retail giant Mervyn's needing Joe the plumber to de-clog it's huge inventories. When you see that big retail giants are already experiencing chaos can you imagine what it is to survive on a one dollar a day budget at was what my opening statement today over lunch in a recent gathering in a book club.
Before going to the gathering, we pass by a couple of independent booksellers actual stores in the Berkeley, CA area and one would really know that the economy has also taken a toll in our very own book and publishing industry. If we had that dollar to buy the inventory yet still pay the bills and get food has been a battlecry nowadays of even established booksellers in the industry.
At least for us in the industry, frugality and tightening our belts is nothing new but this toll has been extremely difficult as this is about survival. It is easy for the white collar working guy to say just a penny but when you are unemployed, disabled and low income can you just imagine what it is to live nowadays. Before they say that there are different kinds of middle class, low, middle and upper middle class. Today, it is about the different kinds of homelessness. One can be a homeless on the street, a homeless with a penny, a getting ready to be homeless, a getting ready to be evicted, what else?
So now at least does the messaging about affordability for the low income all this last two years makes sense to people. Now, after all the last two years during the course of writing "How do u integrate success in a small business" make sense? For many the 4 weeks was the only time when they realize the problem that led to the bail out or shall I say rescue package. But but for us it has been two years we have been saying and foretelling that this day will come.